Why do the bushes of Christoffel Mountain and surrounding areas have a historical value?
These mountains played a role during the slave rebellion of 1795. They served as places to hide, meet, communicate and plan strategies.
Which other mountain in Curaçao has a historical value and why?
Kabrietenberg, Ser’i neger.
Kabrietenberg ► Battle against the British.
Ser’i Neger ► A major confrontation took place here with lots of bloodshedding during the slave rebellion of 1795.
Which beach(es) have a historical value? Why?
Playa Santa Cruz. It was here that the slaves planned to regroup after rebelling in Kenepa. In Santa Cruz they drank the oath drink and boldly continued with their sacred battle for freedom. In Portomarí the slaves won a major battle against colonial soldiers.
What is the historical value of a saltpan?
In the past, a saltpan had an economic value because of the production and export of salt. It was an important income source for the Netherlands. Nowadays it could become an income source for our island.