

  • What’s the name of the two famous figures in this illustration?
  • Which one of them is the main figure?
  • Mention three more figures that are part of these stories.
  • What is the message that these stories convey?
  • What is your favorite story?
  • On what occasion are stories told?

What’s the name of the two famous figures in this illustration?
Kompa Nanzi and Cha Tiger

Which one of them is the main figure?
Kompa Nanzi

Mention three more figures that are part of these stories.
Shi Maria, Pegasaya, Kompa Sese, Shon Arei

What is the message that these stories convey?
The message is that you need to use your head when you’re oppressed and needy. You have to be creative and help yourself.
There’s a solution for every problem.

What is your favorite story?
The spotted cow, Nanzi sells tutu, Nanzi flies with wings made of butter, …

On what occasion are stories told?
During school classes, when preparing children for bedtime, at children’s parties or any festive activity. In the past, they’d tell stories during events that attracted a lot of people, f.i. eight-day vigils.