Plants and their uses

Plants and their uses

  • What’s the name of the two fruits below and what plants produce them?
  • Datu and kadushi are related.
    Mention three differences and similarities between them.
  • Mention at least two uses of welensali.

What’s the name of the two fruits below and what plants produce them?
Dader ► is the datu fruit
Tampañá ►is the kadushi fruit

Datu and kadushi are related. Mention three differences and similarities between them.

– you can eat kadushi, you cannot eat datu
– kadushi has a trunk, datu grows straight up from the ground
– the kadushi thorns are thin, datu thorns are thick
– their fruits are different
– fences are made with datu

– both are from the same family (cactus family) [famia di kaktus]
– both have thorns
– both produce fruits
– both are long-shaped and go up

Mention at least two uses of welensali.
Brooms are made with them, to sweep gardens or stone ovens with.
Its smoke gets rid of insects.
It is mixed with organic olive oil and rubbed on warts to get rid of them.
A tea is made with the leaves to drink against stomach ache.
Dishes were done with a bunch of welensali. It replaces the sponges that are used nowadays.


Which one of these can be used as medicine?
Karawara (cordia dentata or white manjack) (to seal rasta locks, strengthen the hair)
Calabash (to make syrup, to wash dogs against fleas)
Korona di La Birgen (Passiflora caerulea) (boil it and have a bath with it to cleanse the skin after chickenpox, for example – herb to refresh) [herebé i baña ku ne pa limpia kueru despues di “sende paga” por ehèmpel/yerba pa freska]
Moringa (Leaves: can be eaten, can also be dried and the powder can be added to shakes. Beans: eat them when they are green, chew on the seeds to lower blood pressure, extract oil from the seeds. Trunk: grate the bark of the trunk and mix with body lotion.)
Welensali (its oil is used to get rid of warts) [su zeta ta sirbi pa kita fret]

Which one of them can be used to make utility items?
Calabash ►maraca, shekeré (percussion instrument), whipping top
Karawara ► hoe stick/handle, benta (musical bow made from a tree branch, with a natural or synthetic fiber used for a string), banderita stick
Kadushi► wood to make kites
Welensali► broom, dish brush