Oral history

Oral history

  • Tell us about a first-hand experience.
  1. Explain in a simple way what oral history is.
  2. Who are these two persons?
  3. What do they have in common?
  4. Mention a book written by each one of these illustrious persons.

Explain in a simple way what oral history is.
Oral history is what people experience and recount (own experience) [eksperensia propio]. So, it is passed down from person to person. It’s also a method (interview/conversation) [entrevista/kombersashon] to do an investigation.

Who are these two persons?
Sr. Elis Juliana (Ompi Elis) [Ompi Elis]
Father Paul Brenneker

What do they have in common?
Both of them have done lots of research by means of the oral history method. They collected historical data and artefacts and documented these. They both had radio programs.

Mention a book written by each one of these illustrious persons.
Elis Juliana ► Wazo riba ròndu, Zikinza
Father Paul Brenneker ► Sambumbu, Zikinza

Other well-known oral history practitioners are among others: prof. dr. Rosemary Allen, prof. dr. Valdemar Marcha, Mr. Boi Antoin, Mr. dr. René Rosalia, Mrs. Lucille Haseth, Mrs. Elia Isenia, Mrs. Dinah Veeris, etc.