Cultural industry/creative industry

Cultural industry/creative industry

An area of economy that dedicates itself to:

  • Creating, producing, reproducing, conserving and distributing tangible and intangible cultural products and services.
  • Operating everything under commercial and industrial conditions.
  • These products have the potential to generate wealth and produce income when they are sold as products or services.
  • Basically, creativity, cultural knowledge and intellectual property is used to produce products and services with social and cultural value.

The government’s task related to cultural industry

  • Make sure to develop culture and commerce at the same level and prevent culture, artisanship and artists from being used to favor capital.
  • The purpose of Cultural industry is to give a contribution to our country’s culture, art, economy and general development.
  • Protect national identity, safeguard quality and diversity of the products.
  • Promote the creation of employment and avoid abusive prices for products and services.