Mention the names of some mountains in Curaçao
Seru San Heronimo (Seiroma) [Seiroma], Seru Jack Evertsz, Ser’i Veeris, Seru Pretu, Seru di Ronde Klip, Seru Seinpost, Ser’i Kokori, Ser’i Mandinga, Ser’i Krsitòf, Ser’i Mesa
What are the names of the three sibling mountains?
Seru Jack Evertsz, Ser’i Veeris, Seru Pretu
What is a plateau?
A piece of flat area like a big kerb especially on the northern coast. A plateau was formed by the sea.
In some places, there are two plateaus, one high and another one at a lower level. This depends on the sea level.
Where can you see plateaus?
At the northern and eastern part of Curaçao
At San Pedro, Hato, Asencion, Oostpunt