Basic words

Basic words


Culture is all the knowledge, experiences, beliefs, norms and values, hierarchies, religions, objects and functions acquired by a group of people and/or communities during their existence.

Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage are the artefacts, memories, expressions and skills developed by the people in a community, that were passed from generation to generation and which are actually irreplaceable and therefore one of the most important sources for the people’s history, culture and identity.
Tangible Cultural Heritage

Tangible Cultural Heritage represents all types of objects and monuments that people have produced/created in the course of time and which have passed from one generation to the next in a community.

Intangible Cultural Heritage
Intangible Cultural Heritage are the memories and experiences behind an object. An object’s memories are all the expressions, skills and knowledge, all the tradition that has contributed to create this object in order to serve the person in his/her daily needs. Also, all the memories that use of the object has produced. Intangible Cultural Heritage are also all beliefs and customs related to nature- and universe-related practices.
Natural heritage

Natural heritage includes everything that nature has created and not things created by mankind.

  • Explain in your own words what culture is.
  • Is Cultural Heritage the same as culture? Why or why not?

Explain in your own words what culture is.
Culture is the way/system of life and conduct of the people that live in a community, group or population.

Is Cultural Heritage the same as culture?

Why or why not?
Cultural Heritage is part of culture. Cultural Heritage is every valuable thing that a community has inherited and that was passed down from generation to generation.