Cultural Heritage Curaçao

A nation that knows its culture and appreciates it, will always show respect for its cultural legacy. We have developed this material in our efforts to educate the people of Curaçao, especially our children and youngsters, and raise their awareness.

Instruction for the course

This material is available in PowerPoint and manual and also in this digital form.

The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation and manual is to form trainers who will transfer the information and knowledge to, among others, teachers, afterschool activity leaders and leaders of socio-cultural work in our neighborhoods, who will mainly receive relevant information for their own formation. The information acquired by them will subsequently contribute to the education and awareness increase of the child, youngster or other interested person. The presented information will serve to acknowledge, take care of and safeguard Curaçao’s cultural legacies. In this way, Cultural Heritage will get its deserved place in our community.
This digital information is accompanied by several activities that both the trainers and students [children, youngsters and adults] can use to practice and test their knowledge.

In six volumes, extensive information is provided on the different topics related to Cultural Heritage and several assignments shall be performed at the same time. Each volume deals with the following topics:

  • Cultural Heritage
  • Tangible Cultural Heritage (material)
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage (immaterial)
  • Natural Heritage
  • Cultural industry
  • Living human treasures


How to use this material

On the left, you can see the content of the material.
The moment you click on one of the volumes, it will show all the concerned topics.
The topics give information in the form of a text and/or an assignment.
Some assignments will give you the option to work in an active manner, that is digitally.
In this case, the user/student can check for himself / herself if his/her answer is correct.

If the answer is correct, the material will indicate this.
If the answer is incorrect, the material will indicate this and give the correct answer. So, the student will immediately learn.
In the square below, you can choose to go to the next or the previous lesson.
The material has a simple and hassle-free use.
Always start with Volume 1. It is the basis of the content.
Each volume ends with a Heritage circle. The idea is for the student to do a personal evaluation after each volume. The student has to check his/her own development in this circle.

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